Day #1Moving day and we wake up to this....

At about 7 am we had almost 9 inches of snow.

Puggy was the only one who wanted to brave the cold.

It was too cold for him to stay out long because his little paws would freeze so Pug spent most of the day doing this. He looked so pathetic and cute.
Day #2The sun came out a little bit the second day. Not enough to melt anything but enough to make it tolerable to be out and get some stuff done/play.

Landon shoveled a little pathway so Bella would have some where to run. The snow was so deep and soft she would just sink into it and disappear. Quite entertaining though.

Day #3
MORE SNOW!! Not only add insult to injury but our water went out that morning as well. It's crazy all the things you need water for and don't realize till it's gone.

So we had to get a little creative for water. We melted the ice in our freezer to use to brush our teeth and drinking water. We had to melt snow on the stove to use to clean the few dishes we had to wash so that we could pack them up (no worries these dishes will be cleaned properly once they come out of the boxes again!)
Pug and Bella didn't seem to mind the snow or the no water. They enjoyed eating the snow and running around.

Last but not least we hadn't showered in about a day and I desperately needed my hair to be clean, cause that the worst feeling in the world to have nasty hair, so we borrowed some water from our neighbors in the little house and washed each others hair in the kitchen sink. (Haha flashbacks of rev. weekends when we didn't want to shower because it was too cold so we watched each others hair in the sink) Landon could use a little practice at this cause he used about a cup full of shampoo and it took quite some time getting out but was pretty humorous.
Day #4
The sun came back and it was actually a really nice day. Along, with the sun the water returned as well that morning! Praise Jebus!

We spent a lot of time outside and tried to shovel the sidewalks just in case we were able to leave on Saturday we would be ready!

As you can see cabin fever was definitely setting in for everyone...

Even Puggy as he decided to jump into the snow filled hot tub.

Day #5Finally the news we've been waiting for!! Were headed to TEXAS!!!
Landon's parents headed over and helped us get everything loaded into their trailer and clean up the rest of the house. After a couple of hours of getting everything all packed and ready to go our little caravan was ready to head out.
Pug and Bella rode with me. For some reason when Pug's not sleeping in the car he likes to ride like this. Very strange.

The roads weren't too bad once we got out of Shawnee and onto the highway.
The strangest thing happened when we were almost to the Texas border I had my camera out to take a pic of the Texas sign when all of a sudden Bella comes up from the back seat and just starts licking pugs face. It was so weird and kind of awkward but luckily I captured it on camera.

Here it is were officially in Texas!
(Blurry but oh well)

We were all pretty excited!

So now here we are! Finally living in Texas! Next on the list get jobs and find a house that we can finally call home for good! Either way were both just very happy to be here and enjoying the time with family and friends!
On a final note February 7th marked a year and a half of marriage so that's exciting!