April 07, 2011

We are Family

So it's been a while since I have had time to post but it's been a busy past couple of weeks. When I was thinking about what to post and what I have been up to I started to notice a theme continuing to appear and that would be my family.

These past few weeks have been all about family. Which after being away in Oklahoma for almost two years was fun to get to jam pack two years absence in a couple of weeks.

The first thing was the stars game. Dad had given Landon and I and Heather and Cole really great stars tickets for Christmas. Sadly Landon couldn't get out of work that day so Dad filled in instead.

The only pic actually taken at the stars game. Which was a really good game even though we lost.

Cute pic of Heather and Cole at the restaurant

We had dinner at a restaurant called St. Ann's which Dad repeatedly reminded us that originally it was the 1st Mexican school in Dallas. So naturally we felt right at home.
(Now it's a restaurant so really what does that say ha ha)

Unfortunately, not all the family events were happy ones. Sadly my Aunt Lisa (my mom's sister) passed away very suddenly about 2 weeks ago. It caught everyone in the family by surprise.

Here's a pic of some of the Bedford family kids. It was a pretty big family.
(My mom's the one on the left, my Aunt lisa in the middle, Uncle Perry the baby and Uncle Johnny far right. The other two weren't born yet.)

I don't have any recent pictures of her on my computer but while we were in Winters Heather took a picture of my grandma's house. We spent so many summer's growing up here and it has to be one of my favorite places. I still think this was one of the coolest houses ever...just very different and unique.

My Aunt and Uncle lived right next door so we would just go back and forth each day. It was such a fun time getting away to little town life for a break from the city.

The one positive thing in all of this is that we got to see a lot of family that we haven't seen in a while especially all together.

My Uncle Craig. He's a good ol boy and probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet! He's a very quiet and soft spoken guy but has the quickest wit that even gives Heather a good challenge.

He asked us to sit next to him at the funeral which was a huge honor! Aunt Lisa and Uncle Craig didn't have any children of their own and they treated us like we were their own. It was a very special relationship and I know my sister and I cherish it as much as my Aunt and Uncle do!

Aunt Lisa is definitely greatly missed by a lot of people!

After the funeral we went to granny betty sue's house which is as country as it gets.

Uncle Craig took us to the farm next door to see if they had any chicken eggs.

I absolutely adore my little cousins...so cute and look like trouble!

And to see the horses


Some of the eggs we got out of the chicken coop. I have never seen or knew that chickens have green eggs too!

A really flattering picture of Heather and this nasty cow bone we found.

Sisters love sisters

Mother/ daughter bonding time

Later in that same week Landon and I headed to Victoria to see the other side of my family to celebrate birthday's. Kind of ironic that in the same week we said goodbye to a special family member and celebrated birthdays of some other ones.

All the March Birthday's we celebrated.
(Aunt Libby, Tata, My Dad and Cousin Russell)

Victoria has this little Mexican bakery that makes the most awesome tasting cakes!

Mother and Son Twinkies

Father/Son Happy Birthday Wishes

My grandma got my grandpa a music playing card that had the shania twain song "your still the one." This picture was right after he blew her a kiss. There about to celebrate their 59th anniversary (something like that I think). Precious!

So that pretty much sums it up and I am really going to try to be better about updating more often. I am really trying to focus on discipline in my life which has def. gone by the way side in these last couple of years.

I have been thinking and really starting to pray about it more about being disciplined in every aspect of my life. Quite times, money, working out, memorizing scripture...pretty much anything area you can think of needs a good makeover. It's so weird to go from a place where I held strong to discipline (clearly not perfect but I could see it was there) to a place where literally I have no discipline what so ever. It almost feels like I'm just floating through life and I don't like that! I keep hearing that verse in Hebrews about discipline not being pleasant at first but after a while it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace! Whether it's speaking of discipline in the sense of a father figure rebuking us or self discipline it all produces the same thing.

So that is my goal and if anyone reads this and wants to keep me accountable feel free too!

The thing about learning to be disciplined again almost seems like an oxy moron... haha if your not disciplined in the first place what makes you stay disciplined in being disciplined again!

On the plus side I know that if that truly is the desires of my heart and obviously pleases the Lord than it will happen. Just may not be pleasant at first.

Well here's a nice pic of spring because I don't like ending with a lot of words plus I really want an awesome garden when we get a house!