While we have been in Oklahoma I have worked as a nanny for a little 1 year old named Lilly! It has really been a great experience working as her nanny. Lilly is a super easy going little girl and her mom and the other ladies in the office are really nice and fun to be around as well.
*funny side note Sally (Lilly's mom) actually taught Spanish at the middle school I went to while I was there. I didn't have her but still what a small world!*
Today is my second to last day working here and I am definitely going to miss little Lilly bug. I was here to celebrate her 1st birthday as well as watch her learn to walk. Which is pretty cool! I pretty much knew it was a good first when the first day I was here I worked with the other nanny and she said lilly's favorite song was Hannah Montana's "Party in the USA" and Lilly had her own little dance party.
I've only worked here since last August but Lilly has changed so much already.
Here's Lilly on her first birthday about the same time I started working here.

Here she is today. ( A little under the weather so she has her pj's on)
She wanted to play dress up with my scarf and she loves taking pics so here's the start of her modeling career.
Well other then that we have been stuck in the house cleaning and packing. I am so over the moving process just ready to be settled in and working (wherever that may be).
P.S. Hannah this is for you! Thanks for getting on to me about not posting in a while.

Miss you girls! I foresee some law and order marathons, yogurt dates with deep theological discussions, hanging out at Georgia's house, hours of skip-BO, dance parties and whatever else lady workers and their apprentices do.

So put on your mom pants cause soccer mom's back!

Ok haha trying this again! Just wanted to say this is ADOR-A-BLE!!! She is so cute. I know that I am not close as you are with that so cute group of yours with Hannah and Georgia and all them, but I do hope that we can have many more dates and egg omlets!! Haha I am so happy you are coming back and thank you for updating!! I really really enjoy reading! love you bunches