October 12, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

I am officially 27! 3 years away from 30...how crazy is that!! It was a pretty low key birthday but it was nice to just take it easy.

To kick off the birthday week Annalee and I went on a girl's day out since her birthday is the day after mine. We went to Stonebriar did some shopping and had lunch. It was a great start to the week.

The morning of my actual birthday I was lucky enough to wake up to these lovely pups walking all over me dressed in their birthday best!

Landon was on his fall break and I didn't work that day so we got to spend the whole day together which was the best present ever!

To begin the the day we took the pups on a walk to starbucks and got some coffee. That was the first time we have done that but we will definitely be doing that again cause it was so nice.

On to stage two of relaxing birthday. Landon and I decided to go get pedicures, well I decided and he's a good husband to go with it. However, I'm pretty sure he found it just as relaxing as I did seeing as how he fell asleep during the pedicure.

After that we went to eat and then shopped around at Target. Nothing too extravagant but I kind of liked that it wasnt.

The next day I had to work but Landon had the day off so he came up to work to meet me for lunch. We decided to go to Fuzzy's and eat on the patio because it was a beautiful day! I had charlie with me so it was pretty funny to look like this little family. (Not really sure what people must have thought seeing this little red headed baby with these two brunettes but I guess Landon could have fooled them as the one she favored.)

After lunch we took a stroll around Target. I guess I'm kind of obsessed with Target lately. Landon insisted on pushing the stroller. I do have to say it doesn't look bad on him.

The last celebration was our annual family dinner. Heather reminded me about a restaurant we had been to called Saint Ann's. It's in Dallas and the atmosphere is really nice. If you know me you know I'm a sucker for restaurants with lights hanging up outside. We ate outside on the patio. Here's a pic of the restaurant.

The whole family was able to come plus Heather's friend Chrisman who was the one taking the pic.

So now I'm 27 and that just sounds kind of weird.

Meet Charlie and Morgan

A couple weeks ago I started nannying for a different family. It was a much needed switch and I am so happy that I was able to find such an awesome family.

I am now working for a family with two little girls. Which I have come to realize is a better fit for me and especially since Charlie reminds me so much of Lilly who I use to watch in oklahoma.

Charlie is 14 months old and the sweetest little baby. She is always so happy and laughing at everything. She absolutely loves dancing which is a baby after my own heart. Literally anytime any kind of music comes on she immediately starts dancing. It's hilarious!! The only time she's not so happy is if we have been in the car longer then she would like then she'll start to get a little fussy. Other than that she is happy happy happy. Oh and she has the most precious curly red hair!! Love it!

Morgan is 6 years old and unfortunately I only see her for like an hour and half two days out of the week but we still manage to do some fun stuff. Morgan is a pretty typical 6 year old very independent and knows what she wants to do and when she wants to do it but she still listens enough for us to have fun too. She is very much a tom boy and loves to be outside playing with friends. I want so bad to be able to play with her hair and braid it or put it in a ponytail or something fun and cute but she will have nothing to do with it...ha ha I'll win her over one of these days!

I've had so much fun with these girls over the last couple weeks. We have made cupcakes, taken walks to the park, played at chuckie cheese (and won like over 1200 tickets which is just crazy to me) played board games, gone to Bahama bucks. All kinds of fun stuff it doesn't even feel like I'm actually working!